Does God Read Our Tweets?
When we get to the end of our life, will God know all we’ve done by reading our tweets? Or will we have to explain everything to him?
When we get to the end of our life, will God know all we’ve done by reading our tweets? Or will we have to explain everything to him?
We live in a very busy world and sometimes it’s just nice to stop and do nothing. Of course when you’re done doing that, it’s good to tweet about it.
no, honey, a MILF is supposed to be somebody else’s mom. Kids have it rough these days with all the internet stalkers, middle school sex, and what not. Then there are MILFs, a topic which can be confusing at first.
You are not the only one with a few iPhone 4 issues. Darth Vader recently called Apple support with a few questions. It’s also good to note that Darth wouldn’t trade his iPhone for anything. Now AT&T he’s not so attached to.
iPhones. Turning normal everyday average Joe’s into some sort of creepy little hobbit that want nothing more than their precious. Which, of course, you can’t touch. And if you try and take it away he’ll freak out!
I did not hit you, I simply high-fived your face. I guess it’s all in how you look at it.
Ohh look at that cute little baby growing inside the lady stick figure. I can’t believe she’s showing already!
Sometimes, new shinny Apple toys are so amazing, that you don’t realize what you’re missing out on. This is the case for thousands of Americans playing with their sweet iPhone 4.
All it took one one bite and he was gone. There was nothing that could be done to save him. RIP tasty doughnut.
Sometimes the answers are right in front of you in the cleaning section of your local store.