Actions Speak Louder Than Like Buttons
You can Like all the right stuff and it’ll never make a difference. But, you can give off your ass and do one good thing and change the world.
You can Like all the right stuff and it’ll never make a difference. But, you can give off your ass and do one good thing and change the world.
Facebook is like the social hotspot where you don’t have to get all dressed up and go out. Just sit there in your underwear Liking stuff and not really talking to anyone. Man, we’re just like social butterflies.
It’s like they don’t even care that the internet is going to remember thatĀ pictureĀ FOREVER.
Did you go out and get drunk? Do you remember what you did? I guess the Facebook pictures and YouTube videos that show up later today may help you answer that question.
This endless scrolling is getting out of control. I just scroll and scroll and scroll. I keep saying I’ll be done when I hit the bottom of the page, but some sites never end!
Why is it that people LikeĀ stupid shit on Facebook but don’t Like my shit? I’m full of brilliance people. Brilliant brilliance.
Don’t just click Like on everything stupid. Save them for things that really matter. Like this.
At one point and time everyone will threaten to do it, they may even try, but they’ll always come back.
There’s always some drama and never a dull minute. Somethings make me laugh, some make me cry others are justĀ unbelievable. The characters are way better though and I can’t wait to see how things turn out.